40 Minutes
By Twist
1. Soak the raisins in a bowl with the brandy and the orange juice for 30 minutes.
2. Place the apples in an oven- proof dish, pour the raisin mixture over the apples, then sprinkle the sugar, cinnamon and cloves over the apples.
3. Bake in an oven set at 180°C for 40 minutes until apples are soft. Spoon the sauce over the apples every 15 minutes
To make the yoghurt
Combine the yoghurt, honey and cinnamon in a bowl and stir.
To serve
Place the apple in a bowl, place a spoon full of yoghurt on the apple and spoon the sauce and raisins on top. Sprinkle some almonds on top.
Pink Lady® Vegan Breakfast Smoothie bowl
Pink Lady® Wortelkoek
Caramel Pink Lady® apple crumble bars
Roast Pink Lady® Apple Wedges with Marmalade
Make healthy living a part of your active lifestyle with Pink Lady® - naturally!
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