Pink Lady® - Taste the Sweet Life

Pink Lady® Apple Bake


45 Minutes


18 - 20

By Ina Paarman

Find Pink Lady® Apples


This is a very economical recipe to feed a crowd, or bake it in 2 or 3 smaller pie dishes and freeze.

Preheat oven to 180°C. Butter a 34cm x 24cm x 5cm ovenproof dish. Beat eggs and oil for 2 minutes on high speed until well blended. Add milk and beat for 1 minute on high speed. Add contents of pack and cinnamon and beat until combined on slow speed. The mixture will befairly soft and runny.

Toss the sliced Pink Lady® apples with the golden syrup and raisins. Pour half of the cake batter into the prepared ovenproof dish, add all of the apple mixture in an even layer and top with the remaining cake batter. Bake on middle shelf for 45 minutes. Spread glaze over cake as soon as it comes out of the oven.

Serve with ice cream, custard or whipped cream.

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