Pink Lady® - Taste the Sweet Life

Pink Lady Apple and Berry Danish


+/- 20 Minutes



By Burpees & Biscuits

Find Pink Lady® Apples


  1. Preheat oven to 180degrees
  2. Over medium heat, melt butter and stir in ¼ cup sugar.
  3. Add apples and cinnamon and stir until evenly coated.
  4. Add berries and let the mixture simmer for about 5min to caramelize. Stir regularly to avoid burning.
  5. Transfer apple mixture to a bowl cool down
  6. Unfold thawed pastry over a lightly floured surface and roll in one direction to the top to make it about 2cm longer.
  7. Place the apple filling down the centre of the pastry starting about 2 cm from the top and leaving about 2cm space at the bottom. Leave space on the sides for plaiting.
  8. Cut away the top corners on the left and right, leaving an extra piece of pastry at the top to fold down onto filling.
  9. Cut about 8 strips down each side of the filling. Each strip to be about 2cm long from top to bottom.
  10. Fold down top flap and pinch down on dough.
  11. Start braiding the pastry starting from left to right each time making sure you pinch the dough down to close it off.
  12. When you get to the bottom, leave the last two strips and first fold up the bottom part of pastry to cover filling then braiding the last two strips.
  13. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle with sugar.
  14. Place on a prepared baking sheet and bake for 20 min until golden brown.
  15. Allow to cool slightly before serving.

Chef's Tip

Use ready made puff pastry to save time.

Recipe by:

Burpees & Biscuits

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